Wednesday 9 December 2015

Djangology - Learning Materials

I'd like to quickly plug my new youtube channel which is closely linked to this blog. I'll be posting video lessons and videos of my playing here.

This week, the focus is on the tune, Djangology. This tune is suitable for the more intermediate student and has a few challenges. See below for my version of the tune! Here is my lesson in which I give some ideas and concepts for soloing over the difficult A section:

Here is the original recording, by Django... Notice he doesn't play the melody quite the same. The version I play is the standard used at jam sessions, but Django's version is rather more 'free form.' There's also a very cool intro with harmonised arpeggios for guitar and fiddle. 

Here is a play-along, courtesy of the Gonzalo Bergara Quartet... He also gives the chords!

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